The Upper Great Highway is a local asset that provides convenient travel for a number of our most treasured populations: veterans, working class families, single parents, small business owners, the elderly, and those with accessibility needs. Prop K would change the compromise that neighbors love, damage communities who need our support, and spend funds that could be addressing more important issues than more public space. Vote NO on Prop K.

Proposition K, if passed, would permanently close the Great Highway in San Francisco, an invaluable transportation corridor along the city's western coastline. Vote NO on Prop K — to preserve the Great Highway for all users — pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers — ensuring continued public access to this scenic and vital highway.
Prop K is a "My way or the highway" proposal.

Why change what’s working?

Measure K would ban cars permanently on the Great Highway, throwing even more traffic onto Sunset Boulevard and 19th Avenue – turning already heavily used corridors into parking lots.

Right now, there’s a massive open space right next to the Great Highway. It’s called Ocean Beach. And there’s a biking/walking path for those whose idea of recreation doesn’t involve sand.

Right now, the Great Highway is closed to traffic on the weekends – and open to cars on the weekdays when West Side commuters use it to get to and from work. It’s an essential corridor on the West Side for anyone moving north to south or vice-versa. We already have the exact right compromise.

What’s the goal? Proponents want to create a 2 mile long open space that has no dedicated funding and will take millions from the city budget.

Right now, Rec and Parks is barely able to maintain the parks it currently runs. Creating a park of that size will drain money from maintenance and development of parks all across the city.